Sumber Gambar :
Your cigarette
such as freezes on your lips
blowing thin smoke gray
cigarette butts, like a monument in your ashtray
If it makes you warm when the cold nights
or makes you calm when your heart tremble
You don't care
But surely,
Your cigarettes become a haven of beautiful darkness
till the night passes...
Pontianak, 25 Desember 2011
such as freezes on your lips
blowing thin smoke gray
cigarette butts, like a monument in your ashtray
If it makes you warm when the cold nights
or makes you calm when your heart tremble
You don't care
But surely,
Your cigarettes become a haven of beautiful darkness
till the night passes...
Pontianak, 25 Desember 2011
The poem is for you who still smoked with pleasure
but, doesn't that just a runaway, Dear? ^_^
2 komentar: it
I smoke cigarette smoke...
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